Dental Patient's Bill of Rights
The patient has a right to safe, high quality care delivered in a compassionate and respectful manner from a dental healthcare professional in an AAFDO facility.
The patient has the right to expect that his/her care meets the standards of care of the profession from their dental healthcare professional in an AAFDO facility.
The patient has the right to learn of treatment alternatives and to be informed of the possible consequences of this decision from the dental healthcare professional.
The patient has the right to receive appropriate accommodations related to disabilities as needed in an AAFDO facility.
The patient has the right to expect information sufficient to give informed consent prior to the beginning of any treatment procedure from a dental healthcare professional. Except in severe emergencies, information for informed consent should include, but not be limited to, the specific procedures and treatment, the risks (if any) involved, and the probable costs.
The patient has the right to learn of treatment alternatives but he/she will be informed of the possible consequences of this decision from the dental healthcare professional.
The patient has the right to refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and to be informed of the dental and/or medical consequences of his or her decision from the dental healthcare professional.
The patient has the right to every consideration of his/her privacy concerning dental care. Sharing of information related to the patient’s dental care will be limited to those dental healthcare professional(s)/medical healthcare professional(s) who are on need to know basis. Confidentiality will be maintained regarding all records pertaining to patient care, except when appropriate consent is given.
Once accepted for treatment by the dental healthcare professional, the patient has the right to expect prompt and continuing care to completion, unless circumstances do not allow.
The patient has the right to emergency care as needed in an AAFDO facility.
The patient has the right to request and examine an itemized total bill in an AAFDO facility.
The patient has the right to expect the dental healthcare professional to provide only those services that the determined to be appropriate and necessary.
The patient has the right to expect all appropriate infection and sterilization protocols to be followed from his/her dental healthcare professional(s) in an AAFDO facility.
The patient has the right to confidentiality as per HIPAA regulations regarding their diagnosis and treatment, except when patient agrees to submit this information to others – such as insurance providers.
The patient has the right to expect the dental healthcare professional(s) is properly prepared and equipped for medical emergencies in an AAFDO facility.