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How we format our Quick Reference Checklists

A peek under the hood

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Section 1: Signs & Symptoms


Every QRC includes a complete list of the Signs & Symptoms of a specific medical emergency.


This is a great tool for training your staff on what to look for during a patient emergency. This section is also a chair-side reminder to ensure you have selected the correct QRC for the emergency presented.

Section 2: Immediate Actions


Every QRC includes a complete listing of the immediate action steps you should take once you recognize the type of emergency your patient is experiencing.


Under stress, we are likely to forget even basic emergency responses. This list serves as a cognitive aid so you and your team don't forget your basic life support actions.

Section 3: Clinical Actions


Every QRC includes a complete listing of the clinical treatments required by the emergency algorithm, including emergency medications and dosages as well as emergency equipment that should be utilized.


Medication dosages are especially helpful, as these details are critical and can often be forgotten when your patient's life is on the line. This section also serves as a great reminder for things you should practice during your mock emergency drills conducted with your staff.

This example is only 1 of 24 Quick Reference Checklists for the most common Dental Office Patient Emergencies


Get all 24 chair-side,

9" X 12" laminated emergency checklists here.

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